"Varlet Fetal" - The prologue for Gabe and Lucas

Charge Tower

"Rockin Coffee" - Rock-0's cafe atop Lil' Stomper

"Varlet Radio is back on the air... Accidentally"

"Varlet Comic" - The ramping set up story for the main event

"Hidden Couple"

"Not so Hidden Couple"

"Red Cohort in Dismal" - Gabe meets Olivia

Gabe and Olivia bump into a seeker snake named Bruce

"Taking Back War Base"

Cold, Cold, Cold Pt.1

Cold, Cold, Cold, Pt.2

"Calvin in Desolation" - Lucas losing hope

"Escaping Dirk Malum's War Base"

"Varlet Main" - The Story. Everything is leading to this- Let's rock!

"Jump-Jettin" - Gabe readies himself for the Smoke Ring

"The Meltdown"

"Trapped inside False Moon" - Gabe finds himself far from home

"Still Far From Home" - Gabe and Dopple make it planet-side

"Gabe Finds Neutral" - The rumors were true... kind of

Saving Evan

"Red Wolf's Return" - Face off between Grey Wolf and Red Wolf

"The Varlet Five"