"Varlet Fetal" - The prologue for Gabe and Lucas
Charge Tower
Charge Tower
"Rockin Coffee" - Rock-0's cafe atop Lil' Stomper
"Rockin Coffee" - Rock-0's cafe atop Lil' Stomper
"Varlet Radio is back on the air... Accidentally"
"Varlet Radio is back on the air... Accidentally"
"Varlet Comic" - The ramping set up story for the main event
"Hidden Couple"
"Hidden Couple"
"Not so Hidden Couple"
"Not so Hidden Couple"
"Red Cohort in Dismal" - Gabe meets Olivia
"Red Cohort in Dismal" - Gabe meets Olivia
Gabe and Olivia bump into a seeker snake named Bruce
Gabe and Olivia bump into a seeker snake named Bruce
"Taking Back War Base"
"Taking Back War Base"
Cold, Cold, Cold Pt.1
Cold, Cold, Cold Pt.1
Cold, Cold, Cold, Pt.2
Cold, Cold, Cold, Pt.2
"Calvin in Desolation" - Lucas losing hope
"Calvin in Desolation" - Lucas losing hope
"Escaping Dirk Malum's War Base"
"Escaping Dirk Malum's War Base"
"Varlet Main" - The Story. Everything is leading to this- Let's rock!
"Jump-Jettin" - Gabe readies himself for the Smoke Ring
"Jump-Jettin" - Gabe readies himself for the Smoke Ring
"The Meltdown"
"The Meltdown"
"Trapped inside False Moon" - Gabe finds himself far from home
"Trapped inside False Moon" - Gabe finds himself far from home
"Still Far From Home" - Gabe and Dopple make it planet-side
"Still Far From Home" - Gabe and Dopple make it planet-side
"Gabe Finds Neutral" - The rumors were true... kind of
"Gabe Finds Neutral" - The rumors were true... kind of
Saving Evan
Saving Evan
"Red Wolf's Return" - Face off between Grey Wolf and Red Wolf
"Red Wolf's Return" - Face off between Grey Wolf and Red Wolf
"The Varlet Five"
"The Varlet Five"
"Buried Treasure" - ...
"Buried Treasure" - ...
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